Saturday 8 October 2011

EVENT: Flying Lotus – Exclusive Live Show with Visual Artist AntiVJ

Flying Lotus – Exclusive Live Show in Collaboration with AntiVJ    22 Oct 2011

Tickets: £22.50 standing, £25 seated, more on the door

I am very excited about this show as I am a big fan of Flying Lotus' music, but even more so because of the artisic multimedia led rave- slash- exhibition! The idea to couple superb music production and art isn't new but is becoming increasingly more popular, and the fact that it's music i LOVE makes it that more personal and important that i attend!! 

This collaboration also chimes with the Context 3 (Assignment One)brief which asks us to look at detailing ways in which we would offer'innovative'solutions through services or products of our intended business. Well producing visual multimedia for a live music show would definitely tie in with that. I do intend to actually attend the show to partake in the experience and will add my thoughts and findings for the work produced for my Context 3 Assignment One.  

Until this point I had no prior knowledge about visual artist AnitiVJ but the collaboration has definitely intrigued me. This is also a plus side to Multimedia collaboration as each practitioner will bring his or her audience into the remit and circle of the other. I.e. i have now been exposed to the work of AntiVJ through the collaboration with Flying Lotus. Here is the information from the site advertising the collaboration:

"Widely regarded as the world’s most groundbreaking producer, FLYING LOTUS’s staggering creative output has seen him evolve in a short number of years from a relatively unknown figure in the L.A. beat scene to one of the most talked about artists across a wide spectrum of the global musical landscape.

And if there is one certainty in life it’s that Steve Ellison’s creative stream is not about to dry up any time soon. Working round the clock on new material, remixes, collaborations, one-off musical installations and running his own record label the phenomenal talent that is Flying Lotus has also delighted his fans with a trickle of incredible live performances in the last couple of years.

True to his non-conformist spirit, at each turn he has switched repertoire and general approach making his live shows as surprising and enriching as his much loved studio work. This performance will see the UK debute of Flying Lotus’ new live show which he is working on in collaboration with the hugely celebrated visual label; AntiVJ.

The show will be the result of months of collaboration and it will only be performed 3 times this year – once in London, once in Paris and once in Los Angeles
All you need to know for now is that this is the FLYING LOTUS show…. LIVE."

Critical acclaim for Pattern+Grid World
FlyLo’s well of invention looks to be in no danger of running dry.” – Pitchfork
Is Flying Lotus the most interesting artist working in hip hop today?” – BBC
Critical acclaim for Cosmogramma
These incredible next-level productions instantly render Timbaland and his ilk irrelevant. It’s the in-sound from way, way out” – ***** Times
As Flying Lotus, California’s Steven Ellison is doing for dubstep what Radiohead did for rock…an utterly bewildering, magical record” – NME
It feels like a game changer in the same way that DJ Shadow’s Entroducing did back in 1996.” – The Guardian Guide
Ellison’s psychedelic outlook has led to him being called the Hendrix of his generation. Only whereas Jimi Hendrix pointed his guitar in cosmically inclined new directions, Ellison is doing the same with computers.” – Observer
Cosmogramma is Wim Wenders, Harry Smith, Carl Jung, Run Run Shaw and Sam Delany on a night drive through Blade Runner’s Los Angeles listening to Madlib and Kode 9 remixes of My Brother the Wind volume II and My Life in the Bush of Ghosts” – Wire

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