Thursday 24 November 2011

Multimedia Exhibition Ideas

After joining the Multimedia group on Facebook and observing the discussion topics for what should be implemented for the exhibition program I quite liked the typography idea.

There were two main discussions typography with a animal which will represent each pathway e.g. Monkey for animation, bird for moving image.

The second idea was typography forming superheroes, and each pathway being represented by a superhero.

I love both ideas, but did a little mock up of the first idea, below.

Monday 31 October 2011

Simulated Client Project: Final Animation

This is the final animation for my Simulated Client Project.

Untitled from DARK MATTA on Vimeo

Simulated Client Project: Method


I have decide that I shall employing the 'Ken Burns Effect' to my hand drawn animation to add an additional depth and animation technique.
Below is a video tutorial as to how the effect can be employed to Jpegs or any still images to create a dimension of animation, this will be in addition to the hand drawn animation I have produced.

Saturday 29 October 2011

Simulated Client Project: Stills

Here are a few stills taken from my simulated clients project. 

The animation is centred around the lives of three characters who grow up together through live. The animation pays special attention to the statistic '1 in 3' individuals will suffer from some of cancer in their life time.

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Simulated Client Project: Visual Reference

Doritos and Pepsi MAX Comic/ Advert Campaign 

I came across this advert for Doritos and Pepsi MAX completely by accident, and although campaign seems a little desperate and needy, the overall animation is actually quite nice. 

I had already decided that I had wanted to implement the Ken Burns Effect before observing this animation, however I think that this animation nicely employs the technique. 

Thursday 13 October 2011

Simulated Client Project: Storyboard

After revising my idea for the Simulated Client Project I have had to quickly develop a new storyboard to accompany my idea. The story board is detailed below. The idea is that through creating my hand drawn illustrations some of my drawings will be physically drawn animations, and some of the animation applied through After Effects which will assist in the narrative of the piece.

Context 3 Assignment One: Visual References

Animation by Steve Smith

Ori Toor

Bilal 'Levels'

Animation by Steve Smith

Monday 10 October 2011

Simulated Client Project: Leaflet Prototypes

As explained earlier I would like my film/animation to be accompanied by leaflets to ask for donation, or to thank members of the Alumni for donating. 

Below are two rough prototypes for leaflets to be sent with any correspondence of which I hope to insert a still from my donate and thank you film/animations.

Saturday 8 October 2011

EVENT: Amon Tobin – live ISAM AV show

Amon Tobin – live ISAM AV show  23rd Nov 2011 

Tickets: £ 27.50 advance

Amon Tobin 'ISAM' Live : Mutek Premiere (Official)

Amon Tobin, 'Horsefish' live at the London Roundhouse

Amon Tobin Live in Berlin


“His subtle genius places him forever one step ahead of the listener and several light years in front of his contemporaries.” Uncut

“ISAM live has raised the bar, and with the kind of attention it’s gained, what remains to be seen now is how other artists will follow in its footsteps.” -Resident Advisor 5/5 (in response to the Roundhouse show)

“Tobin has set a new benchmark for live electronic music with this deafening, dazzling and exhilarating assault on the sense.” – The Times (in response to The Roundhouse show)

After selling out The Roundhouse with one of the most unique shows ever seen in London, Tobin treats us to more of his spellbinding beats and visuals.

The legendary electronic music producer will be presenting material from his recent album ISAM, out on Ninja Tune records, as well as classic material for an incredible LIVE show at The Forum.

For this one-off set of shows, Tobin will be stepping away from previous DJ centric performances, and instead will be providing a large scale live audio/visual experience to select cities around the world. Developing the show alongside Amon is the award winning, internationally published V Squared Labs’ founder Vello. His impressive roster includes Jay- Z, Beyonce, Korn and Red Hot Chilli Peppers amongst others. Building the set is Alex Lazarus (Vita Motus), who has been on the production crew at Coachella Festival for eleven years, and has worked with everyone from Flying Lotus, Boys Noize, and Massive Attack, to Lady Gaga, Snoop Dogg and Dr. Dre.

The show will feature a stunning 25′ x 14′ x 8′ multi-dimensional/ shape shifting 3-D art installation surrounding Tobin and enveloping him and the audience in a beyond 3-D experience. A fantastic visual journey to accompany his music.

It will be a visual onslaught – narrative, subtle and bombastic – using projection mapping, generative/audio reactive real time and pre-rendered elements combined with custom software to control the show. The visual elements will be synched to Tobin’s music to make a large scale next level HD experience.

For the first time in Amon Tobin’s career he’ll be able to perform a show based around the concept of the album and deliver a truly unique visual experience to go along with his renowned audio experiences.

EVENT: Flying Lotus – Exclusive Live Show with Visual Artist AntiVJ

Flying Lotus – Exclusive Live Show in Collaboration with AntiVJ    22 Oct 2011

Tickets: £22.50 standing, £25 seated, more on the door

I am very excited about this show as I am a big fan of Flying Lotus' music, but even more so because of the artisic multimedia led rave- slash- exhibition! The idea to couple superb music production and art isn't new but is becoming increasingly more popular, and the fact that it's music i LOVE makes it that more personal and important that i attend!! 

This collaboration also chimes with the Context 3 (Assignment One)brief which asks us to look at detailing ways in which we would offer'innovative'solutions through services or products of our intended business. Well producing visual multimedia for a live music show would definitely tie in with that. I do intend to actually attend the show to partake in the experience and will add my thoughts and findings for the work produced for my Context 3 Assignment One.  

Until this point I had no prior knowledge about visual artist AnitiVJ but the collaboration has definitely intrigued me. This is also a plus side to Multimedia collaboration as each practitioner will bring his or her audience into the remit and circle of the other. I.e. i have now been exposed to the work of AntiVJ through the collaboration with Flying Lotus. Here is the information from the site advertising the collaboration:

"Widely regarded as the world’s most groundbreaking producer, FLYING LOTUS’s staggering creative output has seen him evolve in a short number of years from a relatively unknown figure in the L.A. beat scene to one of the most talked about artists across a wide spectrum of the global musical landscape.

And if there is one certainty in life it’s that Steve Ellison’s creative stream is not about to dry up any time soon. Working round the clock on new material, remixes, collaborations, one-off musical installations and running his own record label the phenomenal talent that is Flying Lotus has also delighted his fans with a trickle of incredible live performances in the last couple of years.

True to his non-conformist spirit, at each turn he has switched repertoire and general approach making his live shows as surprising and enriching as his much loved studio work. This performance will see the UK debute of Flying Lotus’ new live show which he is working on in collaboration with the hugely celebrated visual label; AntiVJ.

The show will be the result of months of collaboration and it will only be performed 3 times this year – once in London, once in Paris and once in Los Angeles
All you need to know for now is that this is the FLYING LOTUS show…. LIVE."

Critical acclaim for Pattern+Grid World
FlyLo’s well of invention looks to be in no danger of running dry.” – Pitchfork
Is Flying Lotus the most interesting artist working in hip hop today?” – BBC
Critical acclaim for Cosmogramma
These incredible next-level productions instantly render Timbaland and his ilk irrelevant. It’s the in-sound from way, way out” – ***** Times
As Flying Lotus, California’s Steven Ellison is doing for dubstep what Radiohead did for rock…an utterly bewildering, magical record” – NME
It feels like a game changer in the same way that DJ Shadow’s Entroducing did back in 1996.” – The Guardian Guide
Ellison’s psychedelic outlook has led to him being called the Hendrix of his generation. Only whereas Jimi Hendrix pointed his guitar in cosmically inclined new directions, Ellison is doing the same with computers.” – Observer
Cosmogramma is Wim Wenders, Harry Smith, Carl Jung, Run Run Shaw and Sam Delany on a night drive through Blade Runner’s Los Angeles listening to Madlib and Kode 9 remixes of My Brother the Wind volume II and My Life in the Bush of Ghosts” – Wire

Thursday 6 October 2011

Context 3 Assignment One Reading list


This is a compiled list of books I feel will be useful to me in completing assignment one. I have already taken out a few and endeavour to utilise as many as possible. I have also noted the ISBN and shelf location in case they may be of use to anyone else!.. 
  1. Representation: Cultural Representation and Signifying Practises by Stuart Hall. 1997. Open University
    ISBN: 0761954325 SHELF LOC: 306REP

  2. Mechanisation takes command by Siegfried Giedion by W.W Norton 1969.
    ISBN:0393004899. SHELF LOC: 609 GIE

  3. Designing the User Interface by Ben Shneiderman, published by Pearson/Addison Wesley 2004 ISBN:0321197860
    SHELF LOC: 005.1 SHN

  4. How Images Think by Burnett, Ron, published by MIT Press 2005
    ISBN: 0262524414 SHELF LOC:153.32 BUR

  5. Snap to Grid: A user’s guide to digital arts, media and cultures by Peter Lunenfeld. 2000 MIT press ISBN: 026212226X SHELF LOC: CLIFTON

  6. England & Finney. Managing multimedia: project management for web and convergent media- book 1- people and processes. 3rd ed. Addison Wesley ISBN: 0201728982 SHELF LOC: 006.7068 ENG

  7. England & Finney. Managing multimedia: project management for web and convergent media- book 2- technical issues. 3rd ed. Addison Wesley ISBN: 0-201-72899-0
    SHELF LOC: 006.7068 ENG

  8. Barfield L. Design for New Media. Interaction Design for Multimedia on the Web. ISBN 0-201-59609-1 Pearson. Addison Wesley SHELF LOC: 702.854 BAR

  9. Corporate Media Production, Ray Dizazzo, 2nd ed Focal Press, ISBN 0-240-80514-3 SHELF LOC: 778.59024659 DIZ
  1. Audio Vision - Sound on Screen, Michel Chion, Claudia Gorbman, Walter Murch; Columbia University Press; (April 15, 1994) ISBN: 0231078994 SHELF LOC: 791.43024 CHI
  1. The graphic design exercise book creative briefs to enhance your skills and develop your portfolio
    By Carolyn Knight and Jessica Glaser. ISBN - 9782888930501
    SHELF LOC: 741.6 KNI ****REQUESTED****

  2. How to create a portfolio and get hired a guide for graphic designers and illustrators
    By Fig Taylor. ISBN - 9781856696722
    SHELF LOC: 741.6023 TAY

  3. Developing and maintaining a design-tech portfolio a guide for theatre, film, and TV
    By Rafael Jaen. ISBN - 9786610638048

  4. Designing a digital portfolio
    By Cynthia L. Baron. ISBN - 0735713944
    SHELF LOC: 702.3 BAR

  5. Twitterville: how businesses can thrive in the new global neighborhoods
    Shel Israel. ISBN - 9781591842798
    SHELF LOC: 658.872 ISR

  6. Twitter marketing for dummies
    by Kyle Lacy. ISBN - 978047093057
    SHELF LOC: 658.872 LAC

  7. Twitter power 2.0 how to dominate your market one tweet at a time

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Live Client Project

My initial ideas and thoughts regarding the Live Client Project are:

  1. For my Live Client Project I would like to further explore the work I had produced for year two in designing a gaming concept, but exploring my concept in more depth.
  2. I endeavour to obtain a 'Live Client' through securing the interest of a gaming company to whom I will pitch my final gaming concept.
  3. The blog containing all work relating to my game concept can be found here-

Context 3 Assignment One

My thoughts and initial ideas regarding Context 3 Assignment One are:

Research Project

My initial ideas and thoughts regarding the Research Project are:

  1. I would like to explore the  relationship between social change and archetypical characters in gaming.
  2. The impact of cultural and social influences on representations of character archetypes vs stereotypes in gaming. 
  3. Interactivity in gaming and how technology may develop in the future.

Simulated Client Project

My initial ideas for the Simulated Client Project are:

  1. To produce and advertisement for the Alumni based upon funding they require to further explore cancer research.
  2. To produce a short film/animation asking alumni to donate to this cause.
  3. To produce a short film/animation thanking members of the alumni who have donated to this cause
  4. Produce leaflets which can act as inserts to be sent with any correspondence via post or email to remind alumni members of the ways in which donating to fund have/ and will help.

Introduction to 3rd year discipline

I have decided that for my third year I shall specialise in character design and concept art.