Thursday 26 January 2012

IC Tomorrow Contest videos

Here is my video entry to the IC Tomorrow. Below are videos of other contestant's video entries.

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Biofeedback Technology

Biofeedback Technology Research 

Below are a few key pieces of research I have collated through my research into biofeedback technology and ways in which it may be incorporated into gaming.

Aura VS

Main Segment from Inneractive Enterprises, Inc. on Vimeo.

Thursday 24 November 2011

Multimedia Exhibition Ideas

After joining the Multimedia group on Facebook and observing the discussion topics for what should be implemented for the exhibition program I quite liked the typography idea.

There were two main discussions typography with a animal which will represent each pathway e.g. Monkey for animation, bird for moving image.

The second idea was typography forming superheroes, and each pathway being represented by a superhero.

I love both ideas, but did a little mock up of the first idea, below.

Monday 31 October 2011

Simulated Client Project: Final Animation

This is the final animation for my Simulated Client Project.

Untitled from DARK MATTA on Vimeo

Simulated Client Project: Method


I have decide that I shall employing the 'Ken Burns Effect' to my hand drawn animation to add an additional depth and animation technique.
Below is a video tutorial as to how the effect can be employed to Jpegs or any still images to create a dimension of animation, this will be in addition to the hand drawn animation I have produced.